Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Crispy Fish Fajitas

Fish fajitas became a weeknight staple for me and J during Lent when I gave up eating meat (I totally underestimated how hard that would be). They're made using using a packet mix of breadcrumbs and spices which is intended for chicken but works really well with fish, it transpires.

They're also incredibly simple. The fish gets coated in breadcrumbs and goes in the oven. While it's baking I prep the veg which just means frying the mushrooms and chopping the peppers and onion. I just have a small amount of guacamole on mine and I restrict myself to one* because pre wedding calories but J has a couple with a generous amount of salsa.

*there may have been an occasion when I was so stressed and hungry I stopped caring about my tight-fitted wedding dress and had 3. I'm not proud of this but it happened and I've moved on, ok?

That's basically it. I usually use haddock but on this occasion I've experimented with cod purely because Sainsbury's had an offer on.

The top one is J's - he's really into cheddar in a fajita. (And that's our chihuahua gazing longingly at our dinner. But there was no fajita for Rocky).

I'd love suggestions for other things I can wrap in a tortilla with guacamole :)

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